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Adult Softball

Adult Summer Softball

Softball season will begin in late May and we will have four divisions this year including Co-Ed Competitive, Co-Ed Leisure, and Mens Enjoy playing at the Sheridan College Complex throughout the summer.

Information, dates, and times are subject to change.

A coach gives instructions to a softball player on a field, while a person watches from the bench.
  • Registration: March 3 - May 9, 2025 sign up online, by phone at 307-674-6421, or in person at 1579 Thorne-Rider Park. 
  • Fee: $660/team for Men’s/Co-Ed Leagues (10% fee discount if attending Managers Meeting)
  • Location: Games will be played at Sheridan Softball Complex
  • Season: May 27 - Mid August  

Most teams get a sponsor to pay fees. Team fees go towards paying umpires, supervisors, and purchasing balls/equipment. 

Softball Managers Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, May 8, 2025
  • Time: 6:00 pm
  • Location: Sheridan Junior High

All team managers, or individuals planning to participate this season, should be in attendance at the manager's meeting as rules and features are discussed, and any questions will be answered, as well as to register your team. Also, if you attend, your team will be rewarded with a 10% discount on registration fees.

A baseball game in action: a batter swings, a catcher squats, and a player stands ready.

Free Agents: Individuals wishing to play this year, but who might not have a team, are also encouraged to attend the Managers Meeting so that we can place you with a team. If you are interested in getting on a team please contact Zach Stewart.

Local Umpire Meeting: Wednesday, May 7th at Sheridan Recreation Office at 6:00 pm.